Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How Do I Know if I'm Progressing?

How do we know if we're progressing, moving (either forward or backwards), or simply standing still?  I recently heard a Pastor speak on depression. He lamented, "God, is this all there is?..." upon waking in the morning, "...if so, I'm angry!"  How many mornings do you wake up feeling the same way, waking up with no hope?  Here is my challenging question to you...How can you hope for more without "doing" something to change the outcome?

Now, if you are a big picture person; if you see the proverbial "forest" and not the "trees", than it's time to get into the details of your life.  It's time to take a nose dive from your view overlooking the forest and journey towards the trees to look at them more closely.  You most assuredly will be surprised because they do not look the same from this new vantage point. By the time you have completed the tree inspection process, and begin your ascension to the top of the forest, things will look totally different.  Not that the forest has changed, mind you, but your outlook is different based on your new found knowledge of what each tree reveals from a magnified view point. Only then, will a new outcome be revealed to you. 


Your first step is acknowledgement.  As an avid "journal er", my mantra remains, "Life is like a chalkboard and you hold the eraser...to erase away old habits and patterns. Before you can erase it, you have to see it on the board". In your case, my friend, by taking that proverbial journey into the forest to investigate the trees in your life; a job that isn't providing the satisfaction it once did, the confusion between whether past decisions were the right ones, and the big one, forgiveness for someone you have wronged, or someone who has wronged you, those trees that collectively make up your forest, you will be in an ideal position to face these giants that keep you in your wilderness.


The beauty of life, is that you never, ever, ever have to go it alone.  As you consider moving toward change this year, partner with us as we take a journey into the wilderness to uncover those stakes that are holding you back from your forward progression.

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes
but in having new eyes.
Marcel Provoust


  1. Nice blog post Pamela! I'm also gonna "like" this on FB.

  2. Thanks, Reggie... I can always count on you to support my vision ;-D!
