Monday, January 9, 2012


No, not in the lining of your jacket funneled through that hole that just seems to get bigger and bigger.  NO, not in the clothes dryer  resting on the bottom of misfit sock land.  It begins in your mind. 
Yes, in today's topsy turvey, tumultuous world, it may be time to search for any spare change, but I'm referring to change as a verb; an action word.  CHANGE is a process and that process begins in your mind, and oh what a time to consider change. With the perennial quest to follow a new direction, AKA New Year's Resolutions, the one thing this new perceived direction will require (which is why many people abandon their resolutions quicker than an annual fitness center membership gathers dust),  is CHANGE. Yes, it is true.. change is inevitable, so why not embrace it? And, while we can't always change many of those external forces, we can change our reaction to them.

The first step in this process of embracing change is to eliminate excuses.  "I want to eliminate this in my life, but...", I know I can do that, but...".  "BUT" is the "eraser" for the words stated before it.  Think of how many times you use the word "but" in a given day. Now... think of the statements you have erased just before it.  Each "but" you speak is permission you give yourself to make an excuse as to why your change doesn't occur. 

There are many definitions for excuses. The best definition I've heard comes from Dr. Creflo Dollar, Pastor and Founder of World Changers Church International in Atlanta, GA: "Excuses are 'Me Removing Myself' from the Path of Blame ". 

Are you hiding behind your wall of excuses for the changes you want to make in your life?  Don't say you are willing to change if you are not willing to do what it takes to change--that change begins with you.  (Micheal Jackson's famous song, "Man in the Mirror" was not just for men...he was eliciting change for everyone.--I know, you're probably humming the song now!)


Remember, change is a process. A process has to begin, and that beginning is in your mind.  Romans 12:2 states,"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God".  If you sincerely want something to change in your life, eliminate the excuses and begin to look at what you truly want to change and begin the process.  Step into your future by doing the work of change.


  1. Love it Pam! Change is an internal work that shows up as an external feature. Gotta love it!

  2. Yes Zakiya... You are so right...and the optimal word you used was WORK!

  3. Love it Aunt Pam! I was perfectly prepared to make me as an individual look and see what changes I have been keeping myself from doing.
    Love You

  4. Wow Connie, that's great feedback! It's always confirming to hear how someone is motivated to reflect on where they are based on what has been shared. Thanks YOU for sharing. Love you too!
